Raccoon Valley

Raccoon Valley Leaders

Below are the leaders for Raccoon Valley Pony Club:

District Commissioner: Lynn Seaba - Goldfield, IA (515) 825-3363

Joint District Commissioner: Lynne Flater - Pleasant Hill, IA (678) 472-1603

Club Secretary: Jessica O'Brien - Carlisle, IA (515) 689-3219

Club Treasurer: Pat Foley - Huxley, IA (515) 597-3294

USPC Pony Clubs and Riding Centers are assigned to one of 41 geographical regions, which are administered by a volunteer Regional Supervisor (RS) and other appointed and elected officers. Raccoon Valley Pony Club is part of the Midwest Region. Visit the region's website for the contact information for the Regional Officers.


Our Annual HUNTER PACE will be Sunday, October 22, 2023

from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM (last ride out)

Location:  Skunk River Equestrian Center, 17830 550th Ave, Ames, Iowa 50010

contact: foleys@huxcomm.net for more info